Hello everyone,
This year we’ve begun releasing stable annual versions of the CS Principles curriculum. Versions are named for the year in which they were released, so the most recent version is CSP 2018. We’re very excited about all the improvements we were able to make for CSP 2018, and we’re also excited that curriculum versioning will allow us to give you all a more consistent experience during the school year.
Our first major announcement of the year is that we’ve added Appendix C to the Curriculum Guide which provides both high level and detailed descriptions of the changes made between CSP 2017 and CSP 2018. If you’re a returning CSP teacher or new to the family and just interested in knowing how the course has improved over time I highly encourage you to head to curriculum.code.org/csp-18 where you’ll be able to read about the updates in detail.
We hope you find that appendix useful, and we’ll look forward to sharing future improvements to the course as we make them.
GT and the CSP Team