Chrome extension Read&Write, does text to speech. There is a free and a paid version.
Group and pair work. Selective pairing of students. Pair “high-flyers” and on either side seat students that may need assistance so that pairs can change as needed.
Printed guides to help some students
Merge the design cycle into activities for advanced students
Google notebook/interactive notebook/journals
Team leaders for group work selected by teacher
Chunking information for struggling readers
Translate printed handouts for ELL students
L-shape arrangement for elbow partners and quad arrangement, selective arrangement of students
Paper programming and activities that will reinforce CSD lessons to provide more support for challenging lessons
If you have gifted students in your class, have a discussion with elbow partner about what will happen from the code. This will help ease possible frustration when they make a wrong prediction.
-ELL - Google Translate will do translations of printed or digital print
-Below reading level students – Text to voice options under do-now’s within lessons
-Gifted students – remix project to create their own (DOK Level 4)
Check levels provide success for every student
Visual models within map levels help interpret information in more than one way
Debug buttons help students to check work to help with struggles and perseverance
For low students, consider moving them to their own class in and assigning them a fundamentals course. Potentially use a modified grade if your district allows. This is a good way to keep them involved with computer science, but not overwhelm or frustrate them because the tasks are too demanding.
EL student - Google Translates into Primary Language
Visually Impaired - Magnify the screen and having audiable references.
Emotionally Distributed - Creating Experiences for Success, and a reason to want to try to in class. Students had a sense of purpose, and helping others have his same success.
Using the Courses A-F
Read and Write Chrome Extension
Hover Tool
Code lends itself well to differentiation
Table colors give points on board for acknowledgment of on-task behavior (students at table then tend to help keep their table on-task)
For intentional non-learners, have a check in strategy where you set a goal for work completion in a certain time frame. For example, check in with them and say, "Hey let’s get bubbles 1-6 done in the next 20 minutes.
Great discussions! Speed dating conversations on how to differentiate for students and get all students involved. Specifically, students with ADHD on Coding can participate effectively by having projects chunked and check in more often. Student expectation should be that the assignments are completed with validity rather than done in a hurry!
• Meeting the needs of a student SDC & Final Project: Informing kids in advance that they will be sharing with the class (iPad airplay to Apple TV.) Kids love an audience. It motivates them. (Telling a kid in advance, that you will be calling on them gives them confidence and motivation.) PRAISing them after there presentation builds motivation for future activities.
• Meeting the needs of a student ADHD & Coding-Level-Progress: In my experience , students with ADHD do well with chunking; setting time for small steps; but MOSTLY having kids pair with others of the same level and working in pairs at a different location in class (I call it "Blue Line Time… I’ve put blue painters tape on my floor. When they know to line up by level, comparing and confirming with students to their left and right that they are in a sequential line. I then pair kids up of same or similar level to do partner coding. We regroup every 5 minutes which keeps it a social activity with intense academic focus.)
Journaling at the end of the day w/ADHD students:
Have students think about the answer for a minute on the journal topic. Then Share their thinking with a partner. Then partner groups give their responses to the entire while the class takes notes on the ideas that make sense to them. That way everyone has a chance to journal. You can also create a digital journal (video, voice). Which allows students to use their resources to be successful.
ELL students in the classroom:
-Use translate apps to help students read written prompts
-lots of visuals
-modeling of how to code and what to do for each page
-intentional partnering with dual or native language speakers
-subtitles in native language for videos
We would love to see materials being offered in other languages (ie, spanish, mandarin, etc)
Valium Salt Lick at the door.
Let them move around.
Stand to do the work.
Kneeling desks.
Ball Chairs.
Related service people involvement.
Google Translate
If there is a student who speaks both languages, pair them up.
Have them watch another student program.
Text to Speech software
Pair with a good reader
Let them figure a way out of their difficulties.
Mistakes will build character.
Low Vision
Turn the screen settings higher
Text to speech