Do you see computer science as a foundational skill for K-5 students?

Yes, I feel that computer science in a foundational skill for K-5 students. Just as you need to learn how to pick up and book and know which way the text is layed out on the page, or how you hold a pencil to write, our students need to learn how to open a web browser, where to go to navigate from one web page to the next, and how to use a keyboard to type their thoughts.

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Yes, I see it as a foundational skill for K-5, we have to adapt as educators to help our students grow and ultimately contribute to society. :smiley:

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Yes, it teaches them about what is going on within all their electronic devices and how everything works. Coding will come easier to those students who think logically, yet the creative students can help be the driver for other students.

I believe computer science will be a foundational skill for my students because it will allow them to become familiar with being detail oriented. Students will enhance their vocabulary, critical thinking skills, and their social skills. This will create a foundation that will allow them to be more successful in all of their endeavors.

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Computer science will be a fantastic foundational skill for students to master because it can be used in everyday skills.

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I definitely see computer science as a necessary foundational skill for my 2nd grade students. These are the types of skills that they need to be successful in school and for future careers.

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Yes–to get our students ready for college and career, this will give them a beneficial skill to make them competent and competitive.

In this age of technology and the advancements that have been made, I believe that computer science will be an important addition as a foundational skill for K-5 students. Having these skills will help our students achieve success.

I teach media skills so part of my job is to give my students the skills they need to do any job they want when they get into the real world. Elementary school should give the kids the basics so they can start working towards their ultimate goals when they leave us. These skills should include reading, writing, math, basic science and social studies and now, even coding.

Yes… students need to learn

not really…i think it would be useful for struggling coders but i dont think its something they HAVE to learn

I feel that computer sciences should be taught in every school because it teaches you important information related to computers.

Computer science skills allow the students a fun and engaging way to work on problem solving skills.

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Jeff Atwood

CSFundamentals is the foundation for students and teachers. IMO, this is where the paradigm shift happens. If teachers teach this thread to all students a new skill set and use Lead Learner and project based STEM activities to tie in ALL other content, then we build something great. Students move to next levels and PRACTICE those same skills in CSDisco and their teachers do the same to tie in ALL subjects around that thread. Then when they go the HS CSP becomes a true capstone of skill and perseverance of all the skills and knowledge they have built. They will have succeed in their other courses more effectively as well do to the paradigm shift in teaching that everyone has adopted.

Hello I personally feel it is a core competency as it is the future of our world. It also provides students with unique ways to problem solve in partners and in groups. The more they learn to use this problem solving the more they are able to apply it in a multi-disciplinary approach. Personally I believing coding should be a requirement for all students.

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Computer science should be a foundational skill but some of my students are struggling with Math, so they will find it difficult to comprehend.