Here are the things I have in my Genius Block. Some are advanced and some are just fun but all have a computer science component. Some are also dependent on having Raspberry Pis, MicroBits, and Circuit Playgrounds, etc. These options are always changing. Maybe they will spark some ideas.
Also looking forward to suggestions from others!
#1) EASY: Code a Google Doodle
-Class Code:
-Tutorial: https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/c/cs-first/en/create-your-own-google-logo/create-your-own-google-logo/create-your-own-google-logo.html
1-Weekly progress (where are you in the lesson) in a private comment and screenshot
2-Final Google Doodle
#2) EASY to MEDIUM: Code Combat Python
-Class URL: https://codecombat.com/
1-Weekly progress in private comment and screenshot
MUST SIGN IN using Google.
#3) EASY: Drawing with Code (Kahn Academy)
1-Weekly progress in private comment and screenshot
2-Final assignment “Self Portrait” OR Anything you want to draw with code!!
#4) MEDIUM TO HARD: All sorts of coding including Responsive Web Design
1-Weekly progress and screenshots
#5) EASY: Create a MicroBit MakeCode project
-Sign in to Microsoft and choose a project https://makecode.microbit.org/
-Grab a Microbit from Mrs. Lynn
-How to see the Microbit on the computer and download your program:
1-Weekly progress and screenshots
2-MUST TURN IN a video of final project. Use Photo Booth to film
#6) EASY: Binary Bracelet (can only do one per semester in Genius Block)
-1st: watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USCBCmwMCDA&disable_polymer=true
-2nd: Reply to this assignment in private comments with 3 things you learned from the video about binary and computers.
-3rd: Open this ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) chart.
-4th: Complete this document (open and print to CRMS 205 printer)
that will serve as a map for your bracelet. The letter is in the line below. Shade the boxes with the binary code for the letter. The box indicates what color (you can color it in or write the first letter of color (r=red b=blue). MRS. LYNN MUST CHECK THIS DOCUMENT BEFORE MOVING ON.
-5th: Ask Mrs. Lynn for the bracelet kit. Make sure to tie the ends of thread AND dab with finger nail polish to keep it tied. String bracelet according to your map.
1-Binary bracelet map (physically hand to Mrs. Lynn)
2-Picture of binary bracelet to private comments of this assignment.
#7) MEDIUM to HARD: Raspberry Pi
-1st: go to this site and choose a project https://projects.raspberrypi.org/en/projects
1-In private comments, reply with the project you have chosen.
2-Weekly progress via screenshot of tutorial
3-Turn in video of final project explaining what it does. You can un-Yondr phone if ask Mrs. Lynn.
#8) MEDIUM: Book Creative Coding in Python from Mrs. Lynn
-1st: WATCH how to run Python on a Mac
-2nd: Complete some project from the book.
-3rd: Determine one of the project that you can rework to make your own (like the branching story).
1-Weekly updates screenshots of projects from book you are trying.
2-A screenshot or screen recording of final project from book.
#9) EASY to MEDIUM: Circuit Playground and MakeCode
(Video on how to download code to Circuit Playground: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12Ohs__ihE6J-Cw5_VtEb097nbgHASchB/view?usp=sharing)
-1: Go to site and choose a project:
2: Grab a circuit playground for MakeCode from Mrs Lynn
3: Complete a project
4: Turn-in weekly progress AND SCREENSHOT OF FINAL project.
#10) MEDIUM: Python Turtle
(How to open the Python coding tool: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1r6RzmCu9ZfUhltQsmtwo0gB17RnKwpXm/view)
-1) Go to site: https://github.com/asweigart/simple-turtle-tutorial-for-python/blob/master/simple_turtle_tutorial.md
-2) Follow some code given to you
-3) Try some code on your own
-4) Make a unique drawing or shape with Python,
-5) TURNIN: copy and paste code into Genius Block AND attach screenshot of drawing.