I live in a small town in Italy. A small after-school establishment here has asked me to help them setup a computer class for a handful of kids, ages between 7 to 11 with almost zero coding background. I do have computer knowledge, but not teaching, especially setting up a curriculum for a bunch of kids, which, I assume, needs to be interactive and colorful, so I don’t put them to sleep. I have been looking at various things, such as Scratch Junior, Lighbot, etc.
But I realize I need some directions to organize my scattered thoughts.
Have you looked at’s CS Fundamentals Course? Here’s a link to the curriculum. You could set up a class and use the curriculum that is already in place. You could review the different courses and see which would best help your students … A & B are more geared for younger kids, but 7 year olds may still enjoy doing them and then course C-F are for the older kids in the 7-10 age group…
Just a thought. I’m sure others will jump in with their opinions.