Extension and/ or Challenge Activity: Sprite Scene Mini Project

From my experience implementing CS Discoveries with 7th grade students, I have come to realize that my students need a lot of additional practice in order to thoroughly understand the content being taught in each lesson. Thus, I have created extension/challenge activities to accompany each lesson of this module. I hope you find this helpful for teaching your students sprites (following lesson 3.6)!
Lesson Directions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r9k7D2KD1VuqEtrMGiTGZQakKlUcBKWmlvFw5niZZr8/edit?usp=sharing
Lesson Grading Rubric: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f-HI-YcSTDTj7ERiOe6H32-AoNg5pZuOcAFKP0OYr7c/edit?usp=sharing


Thanks for sharing this Shannon. I really like the rubric and how you turned this lesson into a mini project. Great idea. Please keep on sharing.