Extension and/ or Challenge Activity: Making it Snow with the Draw Loop

From my experience implementing CS Discoveries with 7th grade students, I have come to realize that my students need a lot of additional practice in order to thoroughly understand the content being taught in each lesson. Thus, I have created extension/challenge activities to accompany each lesson of this module. I hope you find this helpful for teaching your students sprites!
Lesson Directions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U8POKJR0vYE5jrk49AqcH06dKC-FrPsEyQk7-I59uVo/edit?usp=sharing


That’s awesome, @byrnesc! Thanks for sharing!

–Michael K.

I have an additional extension activity to this project for students who finish early or need more of a challenge. This project requires students to change the x and y coordinates of their snow flakes so they appear to be falling in a snow globe. My students LOVED this activity!



Thank you! These are great for my sub days in a couple days.

You are very welcome! Happy to help!

This is AWESOME! I’m using this tomorrow. My kids need more help with the draw loop!

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