This will be my first year Teaching AP Comp Sci, does anyone have suggestions for First Day Activities???
I did a Breakout from If you are not familiar with Breakout they are like escape rooms. Students solved various puzzles collaboratively to find codes to unlock physical boxes. This activity got them thinking outside the box, working and communicating with others and helped me see more about my students on day 1. They loved it!!!
We then went over the syllabus on day 2.
that sounds like a great idea. would you share your puzzles?? thanks.
Hey Bridget,
I would love to take a look at these activities but, I can’t find the website. Can you reply back with a link? Thanks so much.
I used the “Time Warp” (communication) from Breakoutedu. I believe it is one of the free games available after you register for an account.
I edited it a bit and created a bit different story line. Feel free to email me if you would like those files (
I’ve also used “Time Warp” in my classroom - if I remember correctly it requires the locks/box in order to complete. Its a great way to start collaborating, and did not take the full (45 min) class period, so we were able to take some time afterwards to talk about working together and group norms for the remainder of class. Good luck with day 1!