Interested in creating ways for students to share their creations throughout the school

I am new to teaching computer science, but really enjoying it so far. I thought that it would be really interesting and exciting for the students if I could create QR codes to hang up throughout the school with a students name and the title of the game they have created so that others can scan it and play the games the students are creating. I feel like creating the QR codes is simple enough, but I would also really like to be able to have a way of counting the number of times the code has been scanned and maybe a timestamp. So that the students can get an idea of their impact in the school. How many people are actually playing their games. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Not sure about the Name and Title … you could create a QR code with that information and a separate QR code with the link to the game. I am not sure that a single QR code would be the best way to store all three parts of what you want to do.

In regards to the analytics, an easy way would be to use to create short URL’s and the QR codes. It is Google’s URL shortener. For example, takes you to (admittedly not a shorter URL), however, by appending .qr to the end of the link (, you get a link to a QR code and takes you to the analytics of who has clicked on that link, when, from where, etc., so If you get it up and going, I’d be curious to see how well it works for you!

Good luck!
