Is there a way to upload multiple images at the same time in App Lab and/or Game Lab?

Hi. I’m wondering if there’s any way to upload multiple images at the same time in App Lab and/or Game Lab. We know how to do it one at a time, but don’t see any way to load more than one.

@gail.parsloe good question! It doesn’t look like it… I tested it out and cannot seem to get it to work either. I will ask the folks though and see if they know if that’s the case.

Can you give a bit more context? Are you just trying to upload a lot of different images? What are you trying to make?


@kaitie_o_bryan Thanks for your response.

One use case for uploading multiple images is for doing simple animations in App Lab. Here’s an example:

If you look at the code on that project (linked above), then you’ll see that’s it’s a simple loop running through a bunch of images that I have in a list.

In Game Lab, I wanted to upload an example of someone else’s animation to view it, but had to do it image by image:

Thanks again for responding to my question.
