Lesson 11 - Bubble 12 - While Loops as Until Loops

SO I have read through Lesson 11 bubble 12, completed it and ‘got it’.

However when some of my students have got there, they are struggling to understand the point of using !(NOT). I am struggling to think of more relevant examples than what is already provided in the text above.

I have told them to look at the difference between Bubble 11 & 12 and that also helped a few. Any other ways to better explain it? I have alot of ELL students which is making these concepts a little more difficult to grasp.

Trying to think of a way to break it down/word it better for them. This is my first draft

while ((die1 <= 5 && die2 <=5)) {
Keep going while Die 1 is less than or equal to 5 and die 2 is less than or equal 5

while (!(die1 >= 5 && die2 >=5)) {
Keep going while die 1 is not greater than or equal to 5 and die 2 is not greater than or equal to 5

Which translate to keep going while die 1 is less than 5 and die 2 is less than 5