Can't tell if student did not do Unit 12 bubble 10 or if he overwrote the answer in bubble 12

I am grading Unit 12, bubble 10 where the student wrote code to see how long it takes to get 12 heads in a row. I can’t tell if he did not do the assignment or if he did do the assignment and he then overwrote it in bubble 12 where students are encouraged to experiment. I pasted the code I see for Unit 12 bubble 10 which has nothing to do with coins. Would bubble 12 overwrite the answer in bubble 10? If so, I am sure I am not the first teacher to hit this problem. I will have to tell my students to NOT do bubble 12 so I can grade bubble 10 next year.

Code below.
var x = -1;
var y = 0;
var unl = 0;
while (y <= 100) {

Hi @jimwelsh50,

You are correct in that whatever work done in bubble 12 will overwrite the work done in bubble 10, since those are “linked” work spaces.

I do see the problem you mention and I’m sure I’ve run into that problem before too. I’ll bring up your concern with staff. I wonder if it would be possible for the teacher to view previous versions…

Sorry for this issue catching you off guard and thank you for bringing this to our attention!


Thank you very much!

Yes, I’m having that problem where all of Unit 5, Lesson 12 is showing the same code for some of the students. I’m assuming they went back and forth, thus overwriting their entire lesson with the next lesson’s code. Wouldn’t it be better, even on linked lessons, to have the code for each bubble save as submitted, so that if we need to compare what they did in #5 to #6 or #7, we could go back and review?

I agree. Please make this request at For now, I think you can look at version history to see previous versions of the code. Have you tried using that?

Thanks, but I can only see the “Version History” button for my own code. When I am reviewing the students’ code as the Teacher, I do not have that option available. The only thing I can do is click into each bubble, to see if they worked on it and submitted something. However, if they completed a certain task, all the linked code prior (and in some cases, after), is appearing identical, so I don’t know if they copied and pasted the same code to each, or if AppLab overwrote their previous/later code, or if they just stopped at that point.

You are correct, you cannot see versions of the student’s code. That would be a good feature to have. Code Studio does overwrite the code in the previous levels if the levels are linked. Again, please make the feature request to