New AI teaching assistant

I just received an email that AI teaching assistant is available for CSD unit 3. Does anyone know how to activate it?

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I am in the same boat. I read up on it and it looks great, but I have no clue how to access it.

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Apparently you need to have been accepted into the pilot in mini and end-of-unit projects, from the AI TA page:

“The AI Teaching Assistant is available for teachers accepted into the pilot in mini and end-of-unit projects in the Interactive Games and Animations unit. In those lessons, the AI Teaching Assistant will appear in the bottom left-hand corner of your screen.”

Here is a video of what it looks like:

Hi all,

I am a Product Manager with Code. org working on the AI Teaching Assistant. The tool is now available for all verified Interactive Animations and Games (CSD Unit 3) teachers. The AI-supported rubrics are live in all mini projects and projects in this unit and start in the mini project on Lesson 7.

If you are not already, you will need to become a verified teacher by filling out this form.

If you have any further questions or feedback feel free to post here or you can reach out to me directly at tess@code .org.


Thank you Tess! I actually saw it pop up in the corner of my screen yesterday. I appreciate the email!

I am a verified teacher, and I can see the AI Teacher Assistant action button in the bottom left corner, but there’s no button for me to click to get it to run the AI assessment. Anyone have any ideas?

Hi there

Thank you so much for reporting. This is a bug and we are working hard to fix it. I will circle back as soon as this is updated. AI Teaching Assistant will be working for you when you get to lesson 11 and we should have this updated in two days. Thank you for reporting!

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