New Project Rubric for Unit 2 Lesson 9

Hi! We have a revised project rubric for this lesson, if you’d like to try it out.

The rubric has six associated marked sample projects to give guidance on how to use them. We’ve also created a document that outlines the expected student learning, organized into concept clusters.

Please check them out and let us know what you think. We’ll be incorporating your feedback into the final versions that get included in the 2019-2020 version of CS Discoveries!

Unit 2 Student Learning
Unit 2 Chapter 1 Draft Rubric
Unit 2 Chapter 1 Sample Marked Projects

Note: To copy an editable version into your Google Drive, click “File”->“Make a copy”. To download a PDF or editable MS Word version, click “File”->“Download as…” and choose your preferred version.

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Hi Elizabeth,

I wanted to give some feedback after using this new project rubric last trimester in my class. And had some questions. I hope these are helpful.

Can each category on the first column have a different name? It’s confusing to the students when they see two rows under aerating a digital artifact and two rows for responsible creation and consumption of digital media.

Debugging and Clean Code:
Could this be separated. I had students who had relatively clean code but didn’t use comments. I wasn’t sure if I should give them No evidence or Approaching.

Responsible Creation and Consumption of Digital Media:
It would be good to have 4 categories for the purpose of consistency. Maybe under “Meets” there could be:
“The website gives away some general …”

Responsible Creation and Consumption of Digital Media (Last Row):
Some students have attribute to each of the their page and no attribute to the any of outside content. How should I grade them? No evidence or meet/ Exceeds?


Thanks, this is great feedback. My initial thoughts…

For the first two things that you mentioned, maybe when we assess the same concept category on two separate rows, we should use a subheading for it so it’s clear why there are two rows assessing what looks like the same thing. So something like “Creating a Digital Artifact - Multipage Sites” and “Creating a Digital Artifact - Using Tags”. Alternatively, we could do a vertical merge of the first column so it’s clear that they are the same category, but just two different things inside of them. Like this:

We will try to think of what it would mean to “exceed” in the instance. We were fairly sure that we didn’t want them to give away any PII if they were to “meet” this standards, but that didn’t leave us any “Exceeds” room for the rubric.

In regards to the attribution, if they don’t include any outside attribution, I would probably still put it as “No Evidence”. Ethically (and legally), it’s more important that they follow the license restrictions of outside content than that they tell others how to use their own. I will try to think of a way to make the requirements more clear in the rubric.
