I am working the activities of the new version. I attempted 6.4 and checked my work with the example. Neither my work nor the example solution is displaying the values from the name_output or friend_output boxes after data has been typed into the boxes and “submit” has been clicked. I do see “Welcome, and” but blank spots for the text boxes.
Hi Michelle,
I have escalated this to the curriculum team. I got the same results you did when I clicked submit.
Looks like the some of the set/get property settings got screwed up at some point. I’ve updated the level on our end, so the fix should probably make it out by the end of the day tomorrow. You can fix by changing line 3 to read var name = getProperty("name_input", "value");
line 9 to read setProperty("welcome_label", "text", "Welcome, ");
and line 10 to read setProperty("and_label", "text", "and");
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