Resizing animations - more detail

It would be nice if the curriculum went into more detail as to how to resize images in Unit 3. The lesson where they view the sprite.debug and learn when the tack should pop the balloon is a great lesson, but it would be nice if the lesson went more in detail as to how to best resize the images. Many of my students will change their image and then not know how to get it back to the normal image.

Also, is there a way to change the boundaries (the green outline of an animation) without changing the size of the animation itself?


Hi Joe,

Thanks for the feedback! Game Lab has a lot more capabilities than are covered in the curriculum and it’s great your students are interested in exploring them. I can answer questions about Game Lab and bring back the curriculum feedback to the team.

Not all Game Lab features are available in every lesson, but if you go to or click the “Make a Game Lab project” button at, you’ll get access to all the features of the tool.

In code, sprites have properties of scale, width, and height. These have examples if you hover over the blocks in the “Sprites” toolbox. There are lots of ways to handle resizing, but I like using scale because it keeps the sprite’s aspect ratio. In the animation tab, images can be resized using the purple tab on the right.

The green “debug” boundaries are outlines of a sprite’s collider. Custom colliders can be set for sprites and do not have to match the sprite’s shape. For an example, hover over the sprite.setCollider() block in the “Sprite” category in Game Lab.

Hope that helps,

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How can you change the debug boundaries without affecting the size of the sprite?

Hi @ealvarado,
Check out this documentation on resizing colliders:

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