I have a minority female senior with a class rank of 66/673. Her plans are to join the reserves and start college January 2018. Her current living situation is foster care. I think she is a great candidate for some type of full scholarship in computer science even though AP CSP is her first class. What are the best websites to look for full scholarships for students in her situation? Thanks
I found this website that looks like a great resource for scholarships: http://www.scholarshipsandgrants.us/computer-science-scholarships/.
If you google “scholarships for computer science”, numerous websites that you can explore pop-up.
There are probably government funds available for her as a foster care child. She should check with her case manager. Since she is already thinking about serving, many colleges have ROTC programs where she can go to college full-time. I had several students do boot camp over the summer and 1 weekend a month during their four years.
Here’s my quick search for PA
Hi @carmichaelc! NCWIT (the national center for women in technology) has some really great resources, including a scholarships page where she might be able to find some resources. Best of luck to her!