Wondering any thoughts on how to share students across teachers. The media specialists will be teaching the classes but teaching assistants may need to run some session s of the classes and classroom teachers may also want students to complete lessons in class- any thoughts?
Hi @karenabryer!
Student progress will be seen by any teacher that has that student in a section. As long as a student is signed in with a consistent account, their progress follows them no matter which section a teacher looks at. Here is some more information about that (https://support.code.org/hc/en-us/articles/228116368-Can-two-or-more-teachers-share-access-to-student-sections-). Alternatively, you can move students between sections as well (https://support.code.org/hc/en-us/articles/206448888-How-can-I-move-students-into-a-different-section-or-under-a-new-teacher-).
Best, Megan