May a student use a review as one of their sources for the Explore Task?
Here are the requirements from Page 7 of the [Task Directions]. Hopefully, this will help answer your question.
*I remember reading on some forum that last year, that there is a specific publishing date range for sources in the Explore Task. Is this true? Can students use sources from 2018? *
Two of the sources must be within the current academic year. Here is a snapshot of the course and exam description.
Also in case you’re wondering about specific dates, College Board considers the end of the previous school year as the date last year’s performance tasks were due.
I usually tell students that two of the main three sources must be research based, not opinion. And a review is an opinion. They can use more than three sources and I think it is good practice to use between 3-5 sources. So, if they use the review, they should have at least two sources that are from research like it’s practiced in the practice explore task. It’s worked for the last two years, so as this is the final year for this, it may be a good idea to suggest that the student find a couple other options in conjunction with the review.