I teach 2 classes with Code. They are CSD with coding Emphasis and then CSP. I have students in both classes and they have access to all of the CSD levels that I have given them access to but the CSP level they only have access to lesson 1 on Unit 1. All of my students that have me just for CSP have access to the level I have available to be seen to them. Please help, because these few students can access CSP.
Thank you in advance.
Jayme Roper
Hi @jayme.roper,
Sorry this is happening. Here are some things I would check for your CSP class:
- I wonder if you chose to begin with a particular lesson when you added the section (see screenshot). If the students navigate to another unit or you provide a link to another unit, can the students access it? You can also change this setting so they do not start at any one particular unit by clicking on the section name from your dashboard and then clicking “edit section details” and choose the empty choice in the dropdown for “start with unit”.
- If the other lessons are locked for the students when you provide links and they are not able to open them, go to the course overview page and make sure they are visible.
These are the tips I can think of. You can also contact support for further help.
Good luck,