Summer Updates 17

Hi! I am planning on using parts of CS Discoveries to teach a summer class. Is that going to be a problem? I just noticed that I was testing out parts of Unit 2 and things have moved around a bit. Is that finalized now? Are the other units still being worked on? I plan to use mostly just Units 2 & 3. Thanks, Lisa

Hi Lisa, views curriculum as a service, which means they view their courses as a living and breathing body of work, responsive to feedback and changing conditions. I think this might actually be the perfect time to give U2/U3 a try. They were both recently updated and improved based on piloter feedback. I would hesitate to ever call these units “finalized”, but I don’t think they will be changed (in any major way) this summer. Hope that helps.

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Hey @lisa_reed just wanted to follow up quickly but @mike is absolutely right. Especially early in the life of a course we pilot and update a course frequently in response to feedback. Units 2 and 3 just went through substantial edits that should significantly improve your experience this summer. You can read a little more about them at

We don’t anticipate making significant changes to Units 2 or 3 between now and the summer, but we may make smaller tweaks at the lesson level in response to feedback. We will be making similar updates to the rest of the course but those likely will not happen until after your summer class has wrapped. Even 2 and 3 will likely eventually see changes as we scale up from a small pilot to thousands of teachers running this class. If you want to know what we’re up to you can sign up for the monthly email on on this form.

Hope that helps. Finally I can’t help but make a quick plug for trying some of Unit 1. We’ve had very positive feedback on the unit from piloters and starting with it is our suggested implementation. Obviously everything we publish you are free to use as choose, however, and we’d love to hear from you back on the forums once you’re into the course.

Cheers and good luck this summer!

Awesome replies thanks for the help.

I’m here at teacher con in Phoenix and I’m learning how to use the forums. Just saw this conversation between my colleague Lisa Reed and staff! I’m so excited to see CS in action this summer in my very own district! Great job Lisa, I can’t wait to touch base!

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