Is there a syllabus and/or complete outline of this class? I am looking to teach this for one semester and I would like to see an overview in order to select what I want to include/exclude as it is my understanding it is set up to be a two semester class. Or, is it set up to use the first semester materials only, if planning to teach only one semester?
Excited to hear you are interested in teaching CS Discoveries! The whole course is now published and all available. You can check out the overview of all the units and links to the lesson plans and materials at The course is in fact meant to be two semesters so that a school can teach a 1 semester class and just use the first semester content. So if you are planning on teaching as just one semester our recommendation is to use Units 1 to 3 (the first semester of the course).
Hope that helps!
CS Discoveries Team
Perfect. Thank you!!!
Is there a current syllabus or outline for CS Discoveries?
Prof. Patterson