U1 Day 5-7: PD Discussion Topic

Students will stay engaged by being active participants. Working in groups, they will share their ideas on poster paper and make comments on other groups’ work using Post Its.

I like the idea of the scavenger hunt that we did when we performed this lesson on how to perform appropriate searches on the web. I also think once they finish the scavenger hunt, as a group, decide what websites are 1.0, 2.0 or 3.0 or what aspects of the website would relate to the different “versions” of the internet. So students will essentially be asked to categorize websites by reliability, how modern it is (1.0, 2.0. 3.0) and what aspects of the website show traits of the various versions of the websites.

Wow, I was not aware of the severity of the filter. This is scary. How would one know? Hhmmmm… the Internet is controlled. Its just not clear by whom.

I plan to have students face in four directions and tell what they see. Students will answer pre-designed questions about the room and draw conclusions from what they see. I have student imagine that they can only see one of the four walls (sides) in the classroom. Responses that include knowledge about the other sides will not be accepted.
As class we will then review those different worlds. When students tell me that this is not realistic, I will show that video.

The kids are going to really like the first video explaining Web 1.0, 2.0, Social Media, & 3.0, they will be engaged. I may want to also include another video from TED on Sixth Sense. This video always fascinates my middle school kids and it is closely related to augmented reality.

I think I will use this idea for this year (my first teaching ECS). I like the idea of getting them to think about this with a critical eye.

I’d like to find one of those activities where the class is split into two groups (or more) and each group is given information on a topic that is skewed in some way or only gives part of the story. Then have the groups debate a topic based on the information they were given without knowing that the other group(s) were given differing information. I anticipate a lively discussion with differing opinions would arise. I believe this type of activity will demonstrate what is happening with Web 3.0 communications. If we are only getting information we are “interested” in then we are missing the whole story, which could cause conflict.

I will incorporate videos, and students will choose what website they wish to evaluate or use in the scavenger hunt.

I will allow my students to look back at what the Internet looked like in the mid 1990’s to the mid 200’s and present time with a reflection of where computers started in the early 1940’s to the present time. Additionally, I’ll have them look at website authenticity and its data/information.

I’ll give my students a list of topics to search them up at home or using their smart phones. I’ll ask each of them to create a list of the websites they got on their search and compare it to each others list. I’ll ask them to analyze their finding and discuss why there’s some differences between their lists.

Allowing students to explore is key to keeping them engaged in the classroom. I utilize flipped classrooms as one of my instructional strategies. Students feel more empowered when they can form their own ideas and express their opinions in their own format, as long as it is relevant to the topic. I utilize Youtube.com as my main source for finding relevant audio/video- connecting students to content and understanding. Lastly, I use the Google platform to manage and organize classwork and assignments. Edmodo.com is another alternative collaborative online tool I’ve used in the past manage grades, provide collaborative opportunities, and share their work.

I plan to incorporate all the videos and articles into these lessons. As mentioned by the posts our students consider themselves “internet savvy”, but their minds will be shocked a bit by the filters and bubble video.

The discussion of the future d the WEB, based on the articles red and the videos will be very engaging as well.

Additional resources would be as much youtube as possible the kids are always looking there for information.

I think this lesson has many opportunities for rich discussion, such as the future of the internet/ augmented reality and the “filter bubbles”. I could also see students wanting to test of this theory and see what different google results they come up with.

I plan on having them watch the Filter Bubble video. They we will do some web searches and compare the results. We will also discuss how our facebook circle of friends often can reinforce certain ideas, where those who think differently often are unfriended.

I plan to use the video and other resources such as youtube to keep students engaged in this topic. I will also ask students to share their knowledge with their classmates.

I really like the videos provided. The only additional idea i had was journal what their favorite web1, 2, 3.0 and augmented website would be then show them in class the different sites.

Just letting the students use their phone for the topic may be enough to grab them! I think the students may find it hard to attend the entire TED video on filter bubbles, so I may need to find a way to keep them fully engaged throughout the video. Comparing search lists will be interesting. I wonder if the students will have similar lists, since many of them use their devices and computers similarly.

I plan to use discussions - hands on activities - group work - videos - partner discussions. Lots of different techniques to keep them interested. Journaling will also be one of the techniques.

I will definitely use the “Web 1.0/2.0/3.0” and “Filter Bubble” videos. I will use some other resources that I have used for several years to teach student how to get better search results, but after seeing the “Filter Bubble” video, I will have all of the students search for the same thing and see if they get different results. They may not at school, because the student computers clear user information when they log off, so it won’t know as much about each user. I will then assign them homework to use a computer that they use often, do the same search, and send me a screenshot, like the speaker did with his friends. We can then compare the screenshots in a subsequent class.

This section of the forum is VERY useful. Most students are ‘internet savy’ but kind of clueless about the how to extract the best use of the vast information available on the World Wide Web. I will start off with Elis Parisers Ted Talk and use what I feel are the three best postings, most of which are based on some sort of scavenger hunt.

I plan on making sure, first of all, that the students understand what the overarching goal of the lesson (days 5-7) is all about… That when using the web, for what ever purpose, they can identify which of the 3+ camps (or hybrids thereof) their interaction can be placed in (a Web 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 or 4.0 context). To do this, while processing through the Journal prompts, scavenger hunts (modified to engage my students for their local and interests , resource experimentations, and website evaluations (selecting some examples that are very engaging as they will have applications for other courses that the students will be taking), I will be asking them to classify the resource by ‘Web’ interaction type. So that they will know what a Web. 3.0 resource ‘smells like’ I will be providing them with some examples. They can be found on this Symbaloo ‘webmix’ < http://edu.symbaloo.com/mix/ecsunit1-hci34 > that I’m creating for Unit 1 in the "Web 3.0 Apps’ folder. More will be added as I find them. I will also be adding some resources that will clue them in on what ‘Web 4.0’ might ‘smell’ like as well.

— I will have my students in groups of 2-4 discuss the What, Where, When, Why, & How they use some of the Social Media that is currently available to them ie. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and list the many ways that it is being used.

— I would ask them to share the Advantages (Positives) they see in having Social Media at almost anytime, and to share the Disadvantages (Negatives) they see in having Social Media at almost anytime.

— I would have my students determine through discussion if Social Media is used the same or different by various demographic characteristics such as Age, Sex, Race, Educational Levels, Teen Years vs Adult Years vs Elderly/Senior Years.

— Upon a review of the difference between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0, I would ask students to discuss and collaborate on what they think Social Media will look like in the immediate future 3- 5 years; mid term future 5-9 years; and longer term future 10 - 15 years with having them associate their age in the future, and how they feel Social Media will be the Same or Different for them in the future.