U3 Day 22-25: PD Discussion Topic
I think you would have to establish some guidelines for appropriate feedback beforehand. I personally have not ever done a gallery walk before, so I am looking forward to reading what others have to say who have done the gallery walk.
To prepare my students for a gallery walk, I like to remind them to give appropriate feedback by modeling the process on a website not created by one of them. I also remind them to be considerate of others and to think about what they are going to say before speaking.
First of all, using the rubric, I allowed the students to grade themselves. Before we do the gallery walk, I will set rules as to how to give feedback and consequences of what will happen should they not give appropriate feedback.
Students will use the gallery walk to give one praise, one question, and one suggestion to support their peers…
I think that a lot of the gallery walk has to be heavy on the actual design of the site and not so much about the specific content the student provides. Do the links work, can you find the information easily and quickly, is there a better suggestion for the layout, could you recommend a better layout? What is the site about - is everything clearly labeled? Taking all of this into consideration, I think we could create a general rubric that students could use throughout the gallery walk that would work for all types of sites the students created.
Self-evaluation and providing constructive criticism are important skills to develop. For gallery walks, I model how to provide feedback. I also have a capture sheet that I collect the first few times we do gallery walks. This way I can provide feedback to reviewers and I can sift out inappropriate comments.
Modeling this for students and giving them coaching on how to offer feedback is critical to making this work correctly. Luckily Gallery Walks have been used with K-12 students in my building for a few years now, so my students are quite used to the process. Even so, I have used blind tests where students names or removed, or have them evaluate kids work from other ECS sections rather than their particular class.
The Gallery Walk was fun! I had my students to walk around the room and choose which student’s work they liked the best. Afterwards, they had to vote to comment on 3 student’s work with 2 likes and 1 wish.The likes were what they noticed that their classmates did well and the wish was something that they could have done to their project. Overall the gallery walk went well.
We would discuss the final project and rubric at the beginning of the unit to ensure understanding. The rubric would do the talking and I would make sure the students have the attitude that there are varying degrees of success rather than degrees of failure. When feedback is given it will be through that perspective.
This lends itself to a discussion of constructive criticism. I will encourage only positive comments and constructive criticism in order to improve their peers websites.
Thanks for this great suggestion!
Rubrics are essential for projects. Giving rubrics up front help guide and stretch students. Allowing the rubric to have a basic pass, midrange pass, and a highflyer pass will attract students to reach for an upper level.
We use post it notes to leave suggestions or comments. We ask the kids to use the rubric to make comments and keep the discussion school appropriate.
I like to use a digital gallery walk sometime where students upload projects or images of their projects to Google Classroom. Students are also presented with feed back norms where they are required to give 3 praises, 2 questions they may have and 1 suggestion to improve the project.
How do you prepare your student for a gallery walk and what appropriate feedback is when they are looking at each other’s projects keeping in mind the varying abilities and comfort level of their peers with web design?
I didn’t really. I think it is more about developing a climate of comradery early on in the year. The gallery walk went well. Each student had their journals out and opened to a page for their fellow students to write comments in. .
Appropriate feedback for a gallery walk or website presentation is often in the form of questions. Students are very curious about the process their fellow students have gone through.
First, it is important to create a good rubric that will outline all the concepts that you would like for students to assess. Before you have the students conduct peer assessments, it is also important that you model the process and ask questions that would generate good feedback.
I would first critique a website not done by one of the students to show them how to do a good feedback. The critique should be on the building of the site, not the content. I do like the idea of each person expressing 2 likes and 1 wish. That would be 2 things they liked about the site and 1 thing they would have liked to have seen. Then you might have teachers come in and do a gallery walk for a final grade.
I tell my students to write a suggestion for one person and a compliment for one person. Each student should receive at least one of each.