U3 Day 6-7: Lesson Resources

Code.org resources and space to share your resources

Uploading this U3 Day 6-7 Lesson Resource here as well as the discussion forum.

Challenge 2.pdf (138.5 KB)

Here are some great resources I’ve found from other teachers and some I’ve made myself for U3 Day 6-7:

W3 Schools HTML Images website link - http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_images.asp

Pixlr (Online Photo Editor) website link - https://pixlr.com/editor/

Photoshop Basics website link - http://www.nhsdesigns.com/graphic/photoshop/index.php

I find that students really need to think about image size for web–they often are using HD cameras and have no idea that their images are enormous and are difficult to load online. I’d like to have them do some practice with emailing images to get the feel for why large images are a problem and then show them the tools for resizing.

@swood I agree, many students really struggle with images and resizing for websites, mobile apps, etc.