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Here is my u3 day 14 unit challenge
Lesson 14-Hyperlinks - Google Docs.pdf (106.3 KB)
W3 Schools HTML website link -
Using as a reference/resource:
Discuss <a href=”full web address or filename”> tag for creating hyperlinks.
Discuss different types of links. (within page, other own page, web site).
Discuss opening links in existing or new window. (target=”_blank” – new window or tab; target=”_self” – existing window or tab)
Discuss links to scroll user to other places within same page
then Go to top
Discuss placing images within a link.
(students have already created their own web pages for their favorite band and a summer vacation)
Students add external links to at least 2 other web sites for their band. These should open in a new window/tab.
Students add link to their summer vacation web page. Open in existing window/tab.
Add another image for the band and create a link with it.
Students create a Go To Top link in their web page.
Unit 3 Day 14 - Kay Lynn Holmes and I are not currently teaching this unit, but if we did teach it, this is what we came up with for this day. After teaching the students about the tag for links, we would have them create an assignment where they pick two websites and then ask, “Which would you choose?” They would then create a link on words to the two . The link shows an example of what their code would look like - it’s created in Notepad and then have the students save it as an html file so it will open in a Web browser. I could not upload a txt or html file on this so it is just a snip of the code. For an extension, you could have students link images instead of or in addition to text links.
Our advice for anyone teaching this lesson is to model, rehearse, and practice lots! Go slowly so the students understand the concept and then give them hands on practice. is a resource I have used in the past that is pretty good. There are lots of helps out there that are free to use.
Unit 3 Day 14 - Alison Ence & I are not currently teaching this unit. If we did teach it, this is what we would do. After teaching the link tag, we would have students create an assignment where they would pick 2 websites and ask “Which would you choose?” Then, they would create a link on words to the two.
The link shows an example of what their code would look like. It’s created in Notepad and then have the students save it a an html file so it will open in a Web browser. I could not upload a .txt or html fie on this so its just a snip of the code. For an extension activity, students could link images instead of text. Our advice is to model, rehearse, and practice lots! Take it very slowly to give the students time to process the information. has some great resources.
Great idea to teach using colors!
Thanks for sharing. I like the idea of teaching colors.
@alison_ence @kaylynn_holmes - I like the idea of having students try small project to add to their own website, like adding in a link. Adding in links can be a tricky concept for students to fully understand.