They really did not get the point of different sorting methods, how some are faster than others and you need to sort in order to be able to use the Binary Search.
-Watched 5 short videos on Bubble, Insertion, Merge, Quick, Selection Sorts
(paused through videos making sure they could guess next step, summarized)
-Students filled in a notes guide as we went a long, putting each in their own words
-Warm-Up: Choose one sort from the 5 yesterday that you think would be best to sort the class shortest to tallest
-Hands on activity:
5 plastic bags for each sorting algorithm, each bag contains- Written and visual directions for that specific sort, 16 cards in random order, sticky notes for tallies, pen
-Assessment (Forms)- Complexity, difference between sorts, binary & linear searches
More on the hands on activity: I split the class into 5 groups (I picked), the leaders demonstrated the sort the first round and had the next person try and keep a tally of how many swaps or comparisons were made. This allows students that take a little longer to process what to do more time in order for them to successfully do it. I enjoyed that each group got to do a different sort and every member of the group was engaged with something to do. They were able to understand sorting with a hands on activity and see the differences between the sorts… which ones take longer and are more tedious and which ones took less time.
Additional Resources
-Videos for 5 Sorts
-Notes Guide (Google Form) explaining how sorts work and what complexity they are
-Printed off template and cut random numbers for the 5 sorts
-Review Kahoots (2) Kahoot 1 Kahoot 2
-Assessment (Google Form) Sort & Search Quiz