Unit 2 Lesson 12, 13, and 14

I use CSD with my middle school class and I am struggling with the new flexbox lessons… I think it is a super cool option but it feels like it’s a lot all at once… is anyone else running into issues?

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I think this is a great addition to the unit, my students are doing ok with it.

Wwas discussed here too:

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As in the post @GordonBrune referenced, please send feedback to support@code.org. Since this is a new addition to the curriculum, the feedback will help them when making changes in future iterations.


I decided to do some serious scaffolding with one of the projects to get them rolling and now they are doing great! I’ve attached the handout in case anyone wants to use it!
U2L14 - CSS and Flexbox Project.docx (3.2 MB)


I’ll check this out. Thanks!

@dmaletta -

This is great! Thanks for sharing!!


Add me to the list of folks struggling. I’m previously an English teacher, so coding is new to me anyway… but didn’t have trouble with the concepts until preparing this lesson. Way too much new stuff thrown at us all at once, and I can already tell my 6th grade babies are going to struggle big time.

Will it hurt my students too much if I move them to chapter 2 with multi-page websites? Or is this “must needed” information to continue?

You can absolutely skip all of Flexbox and just do the linking pages and the final website project! :grinning:

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Thank you! I got to looking at it and was like… yeah… I’m setting them up for failure if I try to introduce this.

Thank you! This is great!

Same same same. Ughh.

Would love a video as well, like a lot of the other lessons.
Update: there’s a video linked on the lesson plan!


Yeah, I hid this lesson (and others) until I have more time to get more comfortable with it. (Summer?!)