I did something today my kids really enjoyed. Each student opened a new project in Game Lab and I gave them five minutes to complete the instructions they were given, i.e. create two sprites . After the five minutes was up they had to shift seats and I gave them another instruction, i.e. use a random number code block to set the X coordinate of a sprite. They shifted seats again and were given another set of instructions. By the end of the hour, each student had worked on five different projects. The digital scenes are hilarious. It was a great way to spark quick thinking, imagination, time management and debugging (in some cases).
That sounds like a fun activity! I’ll have to try it sometime. Reminds me of the English assignment where you write a sentence and then pass the paper to another student to write the next line and so on! Great idea!
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I LOVE this!!! Going to try with my 8th graders.
Great idea! I will try this.
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