Link to the project or level: Unit 3 Lessons 3-4
What I expect to happen: In Code Studio, in the app simulator, we try to change the color of the text using the Hex code (#ffffff) or the color picker.
What actually happens: The color of the text does not change based on the color that you choose or specify in the text field. Gray and Black seem to be the only selections that work.
What I’ve tried: Students tried both to type in the color code manually and to use the color picker. Nothing changes. Very frustrating.
It sounds like you’re doing the right things. Can you please copy a “share” link for this level so we can see the issue and try to trouble shoot? (Click on the share button in the top left corner of the app level and paste it in this thread.). When I try to use the text color in this level on my own machine it seems to be working both using the color picker and hex.
I did notice earlier today that a few of my students had trouble and the issue was solved by reloading the page. Perhaps there was just a connection issue at the time? If you’re still having an issue definitely post the link here.
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