The team has finished updating unit 4 for the '16-'17 school year, and it’s now available in Code Studio! You can assign the section to your students by selecting ‘Unit 4: Big Data and Privacy’ on you Teacher Dashboard, as shown below.
Unit 4 - Lesson 6:
The links for both work sheets in lesson 6 bounce you to a Google Drive document and tells me that I do not have permission to access the file. I doubt this is an issue with my teacher account as I can see the keys links below the worksheet links. Can you check this fix links ASAP. I was planning to use that lesson tomorrow.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance,
hey, @matthew.parets-- all fixed now. sorry about that!
Hey, I’m sure you guys don’t hear this enough: THANK YOU! You make teaching fun and give all of us teachers more time to focus on the students and less time worrying about the details. You guys rock!
Ok, I now need Unit 5, I should complete Unit 5 Stage 4 by November 4th. I now you are working hard so if there is anything you can do to clean Unit 5 up that would be great.
For Unit 4 lesson 1, what is the best way to direct students to find out where the data is coming from?
@amsistek I just divided students up between the sites and let them share out. I didn’t think there was one best place to go.
So they can just figure out where the data is coming from rather easily for all of the sites?
If you need Unit 5 lessons before early December, the best option is to use the old Unit 3 lessons starting with Lesson 9. The team is actively updating those lessons for Unit 5 but the core objectives will remain the same.
Great stuff.
The Unit 4 Overview page doesn’t yet have the link to the “flat pdf of all the lessons…”