Unit 4 Lesson 12 help

Hello ,

I’m working on Lesson 12 with a student. Login is “hello” and password is “bye”, but the goal is based on the budget price or age it will project a picture of the car… We’re having trouble projecting different pictures of the car when we click on the checkmark.

any ideas???

Here is the link


Hi! Hopefully I can help out a little. At the beginning of your program, you set age, passengers and budget to “”. Then, there is nowhere in your code where you change those values, so they are always equal to “”.

You’ll want to write some event listeners that take the values of the dropdown boxes when they are clicked on and assign them to the variables.

You may want to refer to the documentation on dropdowns for some help with this, but if you get stuck, don’t hesitate to check back in.
