Anyone having trouble with students images not showing up? We have tried jpeg and png. The image shows one day, but the next day, has the outline and image of a broken image.
Hi Patti,
Can you please post a link to the project? It makes looking at the code a lot easier.
We will take a look and see if it is a problem with the code or a bug.
Please post a link to the website for us to check - in the meantime I know my school’s filter changes by the day as students are searching and the algorithm is changing/blocking certain sites. Whenever the broken link appears, I would copy and paste the url from the <img src=
into a new tab and make sure the link works independently.
Hope that helps - looking forward to figuring this out together.
Ah, that makes sense. Sorry, I was not able to access email this weekend. Below is one example. Thank you!
Thanks! When I clicked on the link it took me to a App with no code, and three broken links. I went to the Design mode and the “image” section was names of files that didn’t exist. When I clicked on “Choose…” it gave me a few uploaded images which worked when I clicked on them to load onto the page. One issue you might want to look at is organization and naming the images they are uploading - currently there was a few images labeled “download (1, 2, 3)” which can be confusing - the original image the computer was looking for was called “tasy” which didn’t exist so it’s going to be a broken link.
Hope that helps!
That’s weird. It seems to be a common problem. They save an image from the internet on the computer, then upload the image. So it could be the name of the file or filter? Just making sure
I understand because we had this issue last semester also.
She only used the url because of the issue as mentioned above.
I am going to post more links to student work.
Thank you again!