Unit 5 Lesson 13-17 Troubleshooting Help

I am getting a strange error with the back button where it says my element doesn’t exist… but it did in the code prior?!?

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Hi @dmaletta,

I think the issue is just a typo on line 27. You have: setText(“outputScreen”, “”);

This is resetting the outputScreen element (the whole screen, not the textbox on it). Because the whole screen is essentially being wiped, all of the elements on it are as well. Sneaky… I don’t know that I’ve ever run setText on a screen ID!

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Argh… how did I not see that??? Thank you!!!

I looked at it and didn’t see it either. I like to share a quote from Shakespeare with my students. I think it is from The Tempest:

The computer doth make fools of us all.

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Just kidding of course it is actually a misquote of something from Gerald Weinberg’s The psychology of Computer Programming. The Psychology of Computer Programming: Silver Anniversary Edition: 9780932633422: Computer Science Books @ Amazon.com Published in 1971 it started a revolution in the way we think about computer programming that wouldn’t come to fruition until about 2000. The big idea is that we don’t write code for computers; we write code for other people. The computer just executes it.

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