Unit 5-Lesson1 question

Hello. In Unit 5, Lesson 1 of CS Discoveries, is there supposed to be something different for the Meals Data teacher resource and the and Representation Matters activity guide for students? Both links open the Recommending a Meal page.

The lesson states to make sure each student has either a picture resource, a menu resource, a nutrition resource, or a recipe resource. But, I don’t see those resources. How are students supposed to guess what resource they are to match up if there is no document with those four resources on it? Thanks.

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Hi @saundersj,

I see the meals data. It shows up in the “For Teachers Only” section on Unit 5, Lesson 1 at the bottom of the page. Perhaps you are zoomed in on the page? If zooming out does not show you the section, do you know if you are a verified teacher with Code.org? Once you are verified, the information should show up. Here is the link to become a verified teacher. I hope this information helps.


I can see it.  But, it links to the same page as the Representation Matters link.  Are they supposed to be different documents?  Thanks.

Here is what I see…

  • The student link for “Representation Matters” goes to the activity guide the students are to complete.
  • In the blue Teacher Resource section, “Data Matters” goes to a 4 sets of meal information presented in 4 ways: images, nutrition info, menu and recipes. Are you not seeing this? It opens for me from the “For Teachers Only” section as a Google Doc.

If you aren’t seeing the meals data with the 4 different ways (images, nutrition info, menu and recipes) to represent a meal, then you should contact support. I did try to look for it from the “All Lesson Handout” pdf but it wasn’t there.


@saundersj -

Just to follow-up. The Data Matters document is only in the Teachers Resources not in the All Lessons Handout or in code.studio because it is intended that students only see the data their group receives and not all the different ways the meals data is represented. This is to support the key takeaway that some questions are easier to answer based on the data that is available. I hope that helps and you were able to find the document in Teacher Resources.
