I love the videos on code.org, but they are very dense. Students need some direction on how to interact and extract knowledge from digital information sources like these. I plan on assessing the students over these videos with quizzes in the future. The point of this is to encourage them to really try and understand the content of the video.
To prepare them for this, I first spent part of the day today talking to them about why using mediums of communication like this (videos) will be important to their lives. In THIS day and age they will take video courses, collaborate with video, communicate to co-workers and customers with video, gather evidence with video.
Next, I compared these code.org videos to and academic text book. Sometimes when you read rich and rigorous text … it doesn’t makes sense the first time or you only understood parts. This is the same with any type of information delivery. So we modeled how to extract information from the Unit 1-stage 9 video by filling out its matching worksheet.
Next we viewed to media/video. First, I had the students familiarize themselves with the goals of the viewing (questions of the worksheet, 30 seconds). We then viewed the video twice: once for fun (just to familiarize our selves with the video) and then again to extract data/facts (pausing and rewinding when requested by the students).
Lastly, we reviewed the answers to see how they did.
In the future, I will sometimes assess on these videos by doing this sequence of events: 1) hand out quiz 2) play video 1st time 3) play video 2nd time. 4) swap and grade.
I hope this teaches students how to better consume these videos and also holds them more accountable for their content.
I’ll add to this topic after I make an assessment for a video. We just practiced today.