I have pairs of students that are collaborating on the Create Performance Task. They are wondering if their answers to the written questions portion of the project have to be different, or is it acceptable for some of their answers to be identical, since they worked together?
Pretty sure the answer is no - not okay. Funny though, I can’t find where it says explicitly in the Course and Exam Description that a student cannot. We’ll report this to the College Board to see if that can be changed.
But, at the very least, I would consider it extremely risky to submit duplicate written responses, as that is certainly not in the spirit of the written portion of the PT…
- First, “collaboration” is only used the literature in reference to development of the program. It is implied/assumed I think that the written responses are on your own.
The college board FAQ states: Adopt AP Computer Science Principles – AP Central | College Board
Can students complete the performance tasks collaboratively?
When students are ready to complete the Explore performance task for AP scoring purposes, students must complete this task on their own.
When students are ready to complete the Create performance task for AP scoring purposes, students can collaborate in the development of their program. The AP CSP Course and Exam Description provides teachers with examples of acceptable ways for students to collaborate while completing the Create performance task.
(emphasis mine)
- It’s certainly not in the spirit of the task and following the other rules and statement on plagiarism that a student must sign. The policy from the Course and Exam Description reads:
Certainly in the spirit of that…a) a student would have cite the fact they developed the written response collaboratively and b) if I were a reader, I would score such a response as a 0.
That’s my answer.
Thank you for your help!