U1 Day 1-2: PD Discussion Topic

I plan on pairing students into groups and eventually sharing ideas. Hopefully, we can come up with a mastery list that everyone agrees on.

I plan on having them count the computers in groups of two at first to brainstorm what they think qualifies as a computer. Then get them to get in groups of 4 to write on sticky notes what things they this would be a computer. I think it definitely helps to think in a small group and then move to a bigger group to have others opinions be taken into account for things they may not have thought of as a computer.

During my Day1-Day2, I had various steps. I went from an individual writing all there thoughts on small post-its. (Individual Student), “Looking around the room and thinking about your surrounding where do you see computers being used?” Next, elbow partner share, then quad (group) share, and finally as a whole group with 39 voices sharing there discovery.

I plan to have the students collaboratively clarify expectations first, and then begin to allow the students and myself to build an inclusive, respectful, positive environment. Allow thinking and writing time to gather thoughts, encourage participation by giving value to each answer and idea. Listening more than talking is crucial for a good facilitator.

I appreciate your thoughts on giving space for time to listen and encourage participation. This is a great way to facilitate a collobrative classroom and safe space.

I plan on using Kagan strategies to encourage and regulate student interactions. It will help shy students talk, and prevent eager students from dominating conversations.

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I plan on having the students think of what is a computer first and then share with their elbow partner or a group. Then share as a whole class and have a discussion. Really excited to see if anyone will bring up human as a computer and the discussion that would follow after that.

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Read pair share and discuss. Incorporate a "
who Knew Session"

I agree with what was said here and I also plan to approach this in a similar way. I feel that an environment that lends itself for this is very critical especially because some students may not feel comfortable with this and may not want to voice their ideas. But this post really targets what I will also do.

Get in groups and come up with answers and discuss. Do a gallery walk.

I think an important part of facilitating discussion is to give people time to think. Too many times, teachers will ask a question and then answer their own question before students have had a chance to process the information. Students need to be given time to think, and then they should have the chance to share, whether with the whole class or at least some peers. As a teacher, I will call on students to share to make sure all students are included, but students should also be discussing things with each other on a regular basis. They will be in groups and I will go around and help facilitate the discussion in the groups.

One thing that helped improve discussion:
I have a class with 30 students:
After groups have written post-its with 5 things that were definitely computer, 5 things that were maybe computers, and 3 things that were definitely not computers, students rotated groups (3 times) and re-arranged the post-its as they felt appropriate. But the third rotation, students were more willing to engage in discussion about what they were computers or not computers.

I plan to open the topic of discussion and ask students to just think about their answer without speaking aloud. Then ask students to record their response on the post-it. Post their Post-it on the whiteboard and jigsaw through the classroom to get students’ response and input.

I plan to open the topic of discussion and ask students to just think about their answer without speaking aloud. Then record their response on a Post-it. Students will post their Post-it to the Whiteboard. Lastly, I will jigsaw though the classroom calling on students to share their response.

The “Who Knew Session” sounds very interesting, can you tell me how you run that? I’d be interested to use a new strategy in my class.

To facilitate discussion, I utilized journals and asked the students to write down their definition of a computer. We then collaborated by coming up with a class definition of a computer that was written on the board - we discussed what was and wasn’t necessary for a computer, striking some comments and adding others.

I will have them respond to a prompt in their journals. Then in groups of 3 they will share their responses. Groups will then share out to the class. I will generate more discussion questions based on groups responses.

Hello Teresa,

As you are facilitating discussions, do you have a set of questions you have in your back pocket or do you wait to see how the discussion is flowing? I’d love to hear how you lead your students.

I would like to pose the question provide students time to gather their thoughts and share their ideas with elbow partner then group shout out.

We use both the whole class discussion and also small groups breaking out and discussing topics, reaching an agreement and then coming back to the big group to participate as a group in a wider discussion of the topics at hand. When working in small groups I always ask that the groups come to an agreement on what there solution is to the problem at hand. It forces them more or less to compromise and reach a consensus which helps move the larger group discussion along.