U2 Day 18-21: Lesson Resources

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I am not sure this is the correct place, but here is my challenge for unit 2.enter link description here.

Some reflection for discussions:

  1. What did you enjoy about this lesson?

This lesson was a great way for students to use the concepts in a way that was relevant to them. It was also exciting to see the students work through the process and solve the problems on their own.

  1. How is problem solving emphasized in this lesson?

Students must come up with 3 different routes and the routes need to be the best for each problem. This requires students to use problem solving.

  1. What are you worried about when you use this lesson in class?

Students not effectively using the group work time.

Thanks for any reflections or critiques.

Students will be given a Student Rubric and explained the project. Students are expected to have completed their journal entries from previous homework. Students will present these projects and will also give each group member a grade.GROUPS ARE BROKEN DOWN TO 4 PER GROUP, EACH GROUP HAS:Group Leader - keeps group on task and makes sure work is completedMaterials Manager - keeps up with materials and responsible for turning in any materials borrowed from teacher and turning in final work.Scribe - takes notes for additional information given out to groups that may not be on rubric, writes up all group members names and group number on a paper to turn in to me first day of group work, and is responsible for any additional writing that may be needed for the group.Reporter - reports to teacher if teacher needs updates on projects, reports on certain pieces of the project before presentation to ensure groups are on task and following instructions, and ONLY group member to ask questions after the group has determined they do not know the answer.



Final Unit 2 Project-GROUP MEMBER GRADING.docx (112.6 KB) TEACHER RUBRIC to grade Unit 2 FINAL PROJECT.docx (102.8 KB) final unit 2 project rubric.docx (142.3 KB)

I can’t really think of any questions… If you do have any info that you would like to share or anything that would be helpful for next semester I would love to hear. Also, I do have an example of a students work, but I went through and marked out addresses since it does have home addresses on it… Unfortunately my laptop from school does not give me admin rights to change the PowerPoint to Read only to protect my students. Therefore; I did not submit it for an example…

Here is a link to my 1 page summary: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17T8uBNB0CZtsUx4vuVFML5jtBv_qlHhf6ftIFavNHus/edit?usp=sharing

Also, in terms of my reflection:
I enjoyed most about this lesson how the students took ownership over their theme of which locations to use in their minimal spanning tree. It was actually something that they wanted to know the answer to (as opposed to the original choose locations you would go to in your day after school). One group even selected a college visit tour! I think the most difficult part about this lesson was when students created their maps! They needed to use Google Maps but at the same time identify 10 different locations (when mostly Google Maps will show two at once, unless they happen to all be locations of the same name ex. one group did all the Game Stops in Manhattan). Also, any time we have several days for a project, I always worry about students who are absent from class being able to catch up and still contribute to the group. In terms of resources, we used the Muddy City map to remind everyone what a minimal spanning map should look like (but we needed to revise our ideas a bit because in our examples, there are many more choices of streets/roads to take!). Problem solving is certainly emphasized in this lesson as students need to determine the best route to take to visit all 10 locations in the shortest route possible. Many times, they needed to redo their route based on reflections that it wasn’t the shortest route! The main concept of this lesson was to utilize the problem solving method and collected data to solve the problem of creating a minimal spanning tree or best/shortest distance route to travel.

The chosen resource I created was a presentation to explain the project goals to students. Often times, it is easier for my students to have both a copy in front of them on the screen that I explain, as well as their own digital copy on Google Drive (shared through Google Classroom) which is what I did with this file: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1zJQ1Lwh3r4cqkB4hfaENrQAqNu7OmLRI_RDHWybPzWk/edit?usp=sharing

Also, here is the self and peer evaluation rubric I created and used with my students: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tu4Fy0RLqSdgnp7kswyO7kcjeTREEEnQlC5GvfwqU5c/edit?usp=sharing

Here is a article on the Ideal USA Road Trip that hits tourist sites in all lower 48.
Ideal Road trip

I am late to the challenge but my hope is that it will be useful for next year also. I have included my overview, some work samples and an extension that we did regarding networking and the P/NP problem. As I mentioned in the notes of the overview the theme through out this unit on problem solving was graph theory and networking. The P/NP extension gave us a chance to talk about real problems in CS and understand them in terms of networking and graph theory.

Unit2ChallengeMCloud.pdf (99.4 KB)
CarPoolGraph.pdf (20.8 KB) CarpoolData.pdf (129.1 KB) P NP.pdf (118.8 KB)

Final Project - After School Carpool handout - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XPJRCuj0UmpmhddsWs7l37A2Nwbk5vj-JEcUR1ylHfE/edit?usp=sharing