18-19 Discussion on Lesson 4.2

New teacher starting to work on lesson slides and delivery for unit 4. As I look at lesson 2 on visualizing data and trends, I see a lot of possibilities. Any advice from those who have done this past couple years?

@jreilly2016 I would love to hear what possibilities YOU see! I have done a few things in the past…

  1. Have students “tell a story” from the data. Students have to present their graph and explain the oddities of the graph. The hardest part is getting students to pick interesting data topics. Sometimes they pick the most top of mind topic (like fortnite) and then get pretty lame results because fortnite is only recently VERY popular…

  2. I have also brought in some data charts from when I worked in industry and talk about the “stories” we told about the data. You might be able to find someone in your life to come in and talk about how they use data to tell a story. I have had my financial advisor come in and talk to my students in the past - he brings ALL SORTS of charts and does a great job telling a story with them. Granted, financial planning isn’t the MOST relevant thing to students lives, but I think you could grow that idea. Maybe a college finance person - anyone with cool graphs work.

  3. In general, most students are entertained playing around with the tool for some time. Translating it to share it out is the toughest thing I think. My students look for VERY simple explanations as to why something is acting in a strange way… I need to push them to think outside the box when it comes to impact - or at least outside themselves…

  4. Hot button issues can pop up, so keep that in mind…

Happy teaching!

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