"answers" to programming assignments

My students are at a point where my knowledge of HTML is insufficient to help them. They are in Unit 3, lessons 10 and on, and I don’t know how to help them.

Is there an answer key somewhere with suggested coding for each assignment in Unit 3? If so, how can I access it?

Thanks very much.

If you have a teacher account then you should see the “Example Solutions.” In the pop out menu on the right side you should see:


Click on Example Solution and it will open the program in a new window.

Thank you very much! I’ll check it out.



Hope it worked! If you don’t see any teacher answers in the lessons, then you don’t have a verified teacher account.

Here are instructions on getting your teacher account verified, if you need it: https://support.code.org/hc/en-us/articles/115001550131-Becoming-a-verified-teacher-CS-Principles-and-CS-Discoveries-only-


It worked! I don’t know why I never saw them before!


Thank you!! I don’t know why I never saw the Solutions before!
