My class isn’t ready to start looking at the Create and Explore PTs, but I’m getting head start myself so I’m comfortable with the content and pacing of the lessons. Looking at lesson 3 and lesson 6 it looks like the content in the lessons needs to be swapped. Lesson 3 should be making a plan for the Create task but it is about the Explore task, while lesson 6 should talk about the Explore task but talks about the Create task.
Yep, we recently noticed this. We’re also updating those links to point to the new College Board materials. If you’re pressed for time here is the college board page:
We’ll be curating these things a bit and providing some commentary about how/where there are tie ins to the course.
Awesome! Thanks so much for the quick reply. Pass along to the whole team that they are doing an awesome job! I love the curriculum, lessons, and support.