What courses on code.org teach students how to use App Lab and Game Lab? Are there any videos tutorials I can watch as well?
App Lab is used in both CS Discoveries and CS Principles. In CS Discoveries, it is mostly used in unit 6, but programming in App Lab is more limited in CS Discoveries and more developed in CS Principles.
Game Lab is taught in CS Discoveries Unit 3.
Not exactly sure what kinds of videos you are looking for. Most of the Code.org produced videos are not tutorials in the sense that they walk you through the programming. They introduce the environment and give pointers, but they aren’t walkthrough videos if that’s what you are looking for.
The best way to learn would be through the lesson plans which you can find at http://curriculum.code.org Videos are embedded throughout the course and most of them cover CS Concepts with some introduction videos to the tools.
There may be 3rd party videos on Youtube if you wanted to search for them. Or, if you have a more specific question about either Game Lab or App Lab, we would be happy to try and answer it for you.