I found a CODE.ORG post on Facebook from September 9, 2019 that said working on integrating microbit board with appLab. Any progress on this?
If you love our physical computing lessons, you’ll love this: We’re working with The Micro:bit Educational Foundation to integrate micro:bit with our App Lab! That means you’ll be able to connect the physical world of lights, sensors and inputs to the virtual world of App Lab!
I see the post on Facebook. I imagine all timelines have been shifted with the need to support teachers in different classroom modalities. I’ll do some research to see if there is an update.
Thanks! We are adding the appLab blocks for the circuit playgrounds to get the idea of IoT devices, I would like to be able to take advantage of the microbit’s display and Bluetooth features without having students learn another coding/block setup.
Sorry to send you one more place but the best answer at this time would come from support@code.org as they are the folks more closely connected to the project.
So sorry you can’t connect. What browser are you using? Are there any error messages? Can you explain what happens, if anything, on this screen? I’m going to try and recreate the issues tomorrow and let you know.
The board would not connect so I went to help and tips.
Clicked on Maker Setup
Clicked on Connect to Board
A pop-up window asked me to click on and select mbed serial port then click connect
I did then need to update the board with correct software
I had to click the port again in a pop up window and install (it went through a percentage complete taskbar)
After the install was complete, I did then need to leave that screen and go back to Code.org and reset the window. When I ran the app this time, the board connected.
The process involved a few pop up windows so make sure your browser allows pop ups.
Hope this helps but let us know if you are still having issues.
Hi I am trying to use micro:bit with unit 6B lesson 3 and the micro:bit is not connecting! It works and pairs with makecode projects. Firmware is up to date.
Please help
Hi, did you find a solution? I am going to include the link to the page for alternative method section for transferring the firmware update. You used to have to be in you are in the maintenance mode to update, but maybe you don’t need to do that anymore (I added the link to the directions).
I used the micro:bit for with Scratch, microbit.org and Code.org and it was always a nuisance to have to install a different setup!