I am trying to create a mid-term and I would love to get a version of the assessment questions from Units 1-3 that I could copy paste. I have concatenated them all in to a spreadsheet and can print them out so that’s a bit easier for typing them in but I can’t copy paste from either the wed page or the PDF. I prefer to use Google surveys instead of the code.org site for a variety of reasons and transcribing is tough.
Hi Steve,
This is a double-edged sword we grapple with all the time. The questions are not copy/paste-able to discourage students from disseminating assessment items. For the same reason we’ve been reluctant to provide all assessment items in gdocs/spreadsheets etc.
This may change in the future as the curriculum gets more stable, but for now that’s the way it is, unfortunately.
I think I understand why you might want to use gforms to give the quiz, but if there are features of gforms that we could incorporate into our assessment tool, let me know and we’ll see if we can get it in the hopper. (My guess, is that you’d like some control over which questions appear and which don’t and maybe have the ability to add your own )
CSP Team
Thank you for this Baker. The high level answer is I need greater control for data and process management. I have to input my grades into another system (which of course is NOT standards compliant) AND I need to use Google Classroom to assign things to my students (which is also NOT standards compliant). So, adding Studio.code.org as a third system is too much for me to deal with. What wold be great is if Code.org would adopt Moodle or some such LMS that was standards compliant and had all the import export options etc. (It would be great to have a deep integration with Classroom too but I wouldn’t so that if I were Code.org cause who knows where Google Classroom will go in the future.)
More specifically, I have to give a Semester Final that is a combination of Units 1 - 3 so I need to mix and match a bit. I also want the ability to have the test mixed up a bit on the display so the students aren’t tempted to look over at the screen of their neighbor. And to export the answers/responses. I know that is possible but the way it is presented is awkward.
Another associated problem that is in the same genre are the green bubbles that designate student progress. I need the ability to save to a spreadsheet the student’s progress. I think that studio does a good job on Unit 3 of designating if a student completed the task but to then “harvest” that information to enter it in to another system is very difficult.
I hope this is helpful.
The request to have our inputs/outputs comply with SCORM format is common and 100% reasonable and sensible. At various points our engineers have looked into and apparently SCORM itself is a mess, or at least extraordinarily complex.
So it got filed under BIG projects that we might undertake in the future. As we are about to release a middle school curriculum that will probably have more users than CSP, I suspect this request will get elevated priority moving forward.
We should look into at least giving teachers the ability to download a spreadsheet of student progress in a unit for such “harvesting”. It seems like something we should be able to do. I’ll ask.
Thanks for the feedback.
Long Time reader, first time poster…
I’m in the same boat as @steve1. We have are piloting a class of students using code.org as par of their final assessment. Right now it’s only 50 student’s, and it’s already a little tedious manually transferring a progress “score” from the code.org classroom to our LMS (Also, Moodle, as it turns out).
Has any progress been made for some kind of export… anything would be better than the manual process we’ll be using this run.
@eadejong we’re in the process of making some improvements to the teacher dashboard but I’m not sure whether these features will be included. In either case I’ll be forwarding your request on to the product team for consideration. Thanks for letting us know about your issue and our apologies the process isn’t as seamless as it could be right now.