In Code Maker, I want to display the best work of 4 students without displaying the student names on my board. In other units, students can click Share and provide the link. However, in Code Maker, we cannot click Share or Publish to do this.
The students cannot click SHARE and copy the link for me to open.
I tried to PUBLISH the project and that would not work either.
Any suggestions?
Hi Patti,
I don’t know which lesson the students are on. Checked Lesson 9: Project: Make a Game bubble 9, the share button is on this lesson. The students could copy their code to this lesson and share.
Today we are on Lesson 7, Puzzle 6. The Share button will work, but when I open the link, and the Circuit Board is plugged in and working, however, I get the screen where is says “Make sure your board is plugged in”
Sounds like a big to submit a bug report, but they are going to ask you if you tried it on multiple browsers AND have the Chrome extension/ Additional App running, so I might try those before submitting the report. (To do so, click on the “hamburger” menu in the top right hand corner).
I am having the same issue. Students want to showcase their projects at Level 9, but they can’t use the link that appear in the Share since that takes them to a url. Is there a way to input the link in the Code Maker app?
If they go to the URL, does it give them the option to “View Code” in the top right hand corner? This should take them into the AppLab to view how it was built and remix if they want to. If not I’d suggest submitting a bug report like I mentioned above.
Hi Elizabeth,
In the Maker Toolkit app, go to the main “Maker Toolkit” menu, then choose “Open URL”, and you should be able to paste the share link in there.