Complete Unit 02 - Review Packet(Revised)

Hello All,

I have finally compiled all the vocab, definitions and questions from the (UNIT 02- Ch1 &Chp2 ) and consolidated into a single file. I have sent this digital copy to all of my students as a review material for the quiz/test preparation. Hope this is helpful. If you need a google drive link please let me know slight_smile:

Review Packet Complete UNIT 02- (1).pdf (929.7 KB)


This is great! do you have one for unit 1?

here is the link to UNIT 01 :slight_smile:

Could you open the permissions on the file in Google?

Yes. Please request the access.

Do you have a review packet for unit 3? What about 4, 5, 6? They are so good. I just wanted to see if you did before I tried to re-invent the wheel.

Yours, margaret

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Hi, thanks that you were able to use these materials. I wish I had all the other units as well. But, I do not :frowning: I am starting to prepare rest of the units materials. Stay tuned for the Unit 03 material.


Thank you so much! Great material.