Does anyone have any good review resources for Unit 1? I know there is a study guide provided, but was wondering if anyone had something with some more concrete examples.
@rmartin - Thank you for posting your questions. Since this curriculum is fairly new there may not be any teacher-made materials for review. There is always a chance someone had some extra time and may share a review. In addition to the Unit 1 Review document, does have a guide for each unit that helps the students with review materials. The guide for Unit 1 can be found in the lesson 2 student resources:
This is a detailed resource for each unit which I will be using as a review source.
Check out some of the Kahoot-style CSA reviews from Juicemind. They are super cool! Lots of positive feedback from CSawesome teachers in the google group.
Hey @jforste! I am always looking for quality review materials. Thank you so much for sharing the Kahoot-style reviews. I like to use the extra practices as a review as well. I have compiled some of them here. Hopefully this will help as well.
These are fantastic - thank you, Sam!