Computer Science Discoveries Curriculum Ideas!

I am switching from elementary education to middle school teaching with coding, so I had a few ideas I wanted to share, still orienting and looking into things myself! I have been looking at the CSD curriculum so I may have missed some things as well.

  1. There were some awesome videos about cool tech start-ups, but kid inventors would be great to showcase as well, especially in an intro class, below is an example video from a TED talk:

[Richard Turere: My invention that made peace with lions | TED Talk]

  1. Have you heard of the Barron prize for humanitarian and environmental projects?

It would be great to see some coding projects on there too!

  1. Have you heard of Project Zero thinking routines from Harvard’s School of Education? See, think, wonder is a good one to start a class discussion and it is pretty easy for anyone to comment on. It might be fun to add! [See, Think, Wonder | Project Zero]