Hello everyone summer 24

Continuing the discussion from Welcome to CS Discoveries: Introduce yourself:

Hello my name is Maria Canafax; I teach 6th grade and I am very excited about computer science.


Good morning everyone. My name is Mayka Garciga. I teach 6-8 Information Technology / Coding. This is my first year teaching these classes. I just finished code.org training this week. I am excited to incorporate it into my classroom.

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Hi! My name is Emika, and I will be teaching CS Discoveries for the first time in the fall to 7th and 8th-graders. I am super excited about what I have learned this week, and I am looking forward to sharing it with my students.

Hello my name is Adam Grindstaff! I will be teaching 6-8 grade Technology Innovation and Computer Science this year! Problem solving is the centerpiece of this upcoming year in CS!

Hello! I’m Cindy Lee. I am returning to the business/technology classroom after being retired for six years. I have subbed in a variety of subjects, including Computer Science, and will be teaching Code.org to Freshmen. Code.org is totally new to me besides the limited exposure I had while subbing, but I am enjoying learning and look forward to learning along with my students.

hello. my name is mary whitmore. i teach middle school. i’m excited to explore this with my students.

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